About Me
I like building stuff! I’m passionate about robotics, embedded programming, electronics.
In my free time I also like making music and doing calisthenics.
PhD Student - Università di Milano Bicocca (2023 - present)
Currently I’m in my second PhD year. My interest lies in robotics perception, and in particular I am working with 3D perception and SLAM algorithms.
Junior Research Assistant - Università di Milano Bicocca (2020 - 2023)
Working on a self driving golf cart, with the robotics lab of my University: https://ira.disco.unimib.it/
I have worked both on the hardware/firmware and on the high-level software, using the framework ROS.
Tutor for the course “Computer Architecture” - Università di Milano Bicocca (2020 - 2024)
I was a tutor for the Computer Architecture course.
I also built a MIPS simulator in logisim-evolution for the course laboratories, it can be found here
Master’s degree - Università di Milano Bicocca (2020 - present)
Currently studying for my Computer Science Master’s degree.
Cool courses I followed:
- Electronics Experimentations: building an acquisition chain for SiPM sensors, building the analog circuit acquiring the data through an MCU ADC.
- Industrial Informatics: digital circuit design and FPGA programming
- Probabilistic Models: Bayesian networks, Markov Chains, Hidden Markov Models
You can find some of the projects I made here
Bachelor’s degree - Università di Milano Bicocca (2018 - 2020)
Computer Science Bachelor’s degree, final marks 106/110.
You can find my thesis here
Cool courses I followed:
- Robotics and Automation
- Signal Processing
- Embedded Systems
You can also find some of the projects I made here